Tuesday, April 27, 2010

craigslist and scammers

Holy cow, I'm so tired of scammers trying to scam me on some items I have posted on Craigs List. What a pain in the backside.

I've posted a couple of items before and never had this much problem with scammers.

I've had several trying to get me to take a "certified check" and than they'll have their "guys" come and get the item. Right like that is going to happen. Not in this life time of mine.

Today I got one for an item that I've been trying to sale that linked me to a damn video they made and it wants me to load in a program on my puter just to watch this unwanted video. Again I was not born yesterday and it's not going ot happen.

Yes I know it's free to me to post but come on people, I'm not going to fall for the scam.

I did have one person whom I did give my home addy to and set up a time for them to come get the item. My husband waited as long as he could to help take it apart and load it. He left and I waited more. They never showed up nor did they call to say they were not coming. I did email her again and no response so I moved on.

So now for the frustration scream AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhh

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